Here is where you order your RIOT branded kit.
You now have two links to follow depending on the type of kit you wish to order. Please note that whichever type of kit you order, RIOT’s official racing colour is blue. This is particularly important if you race with RIOT in DRRL (Dorset Road Race League). For your run to count towards team points, you must be wearing a blue RIOT top.
This is the link for all your usual favourites:
The only thing that’s changed is that you now order directly. You will notified directly meaning you can also follow up directly and the item will be ready for collection/delivery in 2 – 3 weeks from the Jurassic Embroidery Shop.
And here is the link for more technical/ specialist kit.
If you are asked to enter the Passcode to enter the TEAMSTORE, it is RIOT23.
Everything here is produced to order. As such there is a minimum club order to hit “go” on the production line (10 items). The technical shop is only open for short windows to gather up the necessary orders and minimise the waiting times. The shop will open three to four times a year unless demand tells us otherwise.
Please contact Wendy or Bill Britton to let her know if you wish to order Technical kit otherwise. Currently open for pre-Christmas, once this window closes the shop will reopen for marathon season in February. Please contact Wendy if you need to know more….